Category: Uncategorized
The 13th annual Jamestown Pig Pickin’ will be held October 29, 2022. The traditional Southern barbecue bash allows attendees to enjoy live music and locally made pulled pork and chicken — all while supporting Family Service of the Piedmont’s efforts to build safe and healthy families in the Triad. Learn more and register at […]
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My wedding was what every young girl dreams of”, Allene recalls. “It was a beautiful church ceremony overflowing with people who loved and supported me.” But almost immediately following that magical day, her dreams were shattered. Her husband’s abuse started with slapping, but then led to more violent acts of shoving, hitting and kicking before […]

Angel* was a young mother involved in an abusive relationship, when she became pregnant a second time. “At that time my chances of being successful in life, I was told, were going to drop drastically,” she remembers. “I was told this by family members. My dad told me I had to leave his house because […]

Looking back on his experience as he fought to prevent his home from foreclosure, Eric* says he relied on the “three P’s: perseverance, patience and persistence.” His determination paid off in the end and with the help of Consumer Credit Counseling Service (CCCS) from Family Service of the Piedmont, Eric was able to keep his […]

“I don’t ever remember being happy. I was always down,” says Samantha* as she recalls her struggle with depression, beginning in her young teenage years. “I was hospitalized multiple times for attempted suicides and spent years struggling to just get out of bed and live.” Samantha had exhausted countless attempts at finding the combination of […]

Gloria* came to Family Service of the Piedmont’s Consumer Credit Counseling Service (CCCS) for First-time Homebuyer Counseling. It wasn’t until CCCS began looking into her finances that it was discovered Gloria had had her identity stolen. An identity thief had taken out a number of loans and credit cards in her name as well as […]