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Category: Uncategorized

Mortgage and Debt Help

There are tears in her eyes as Melissa* talks about her experience with Family Service of the Piedmont. These are not tears of sadness, but tears of joy for how far she has come in the past few years. Melissa has had her share of life’s struggles. She has lived with a hearing impairment her […]

Domestic Violence

Maria* grew up in a family where love and affection were hard to come by. Her first experience with domestic violence occurred in her late teens. Her boyfriend at the time provided the love that she so desperately needed. But the honeymoon phase was short lived, and it wasn’t long before Maria’s intuitions told her […]

Overcoming Abuse

Not long ago, Kate* was a prisoner of an abusive marriage built on fear. A victim of childhood abuse for much of her youth, Kate suffered into adulthood in relationships filled with cruelty and violence. At Family Service of the Piedmont, Kate found the support she needed to escape and begin a new life. Kate […]

Child Abuse

Terrified to share what was going on behind closed doors, 11-year-old Brady*, 9-year-old Cassie*, and 8-year-old Kylee* kept a vile secret until one day Brady broke down and told a trusted teacher what was happening to him and his sisters at home. Their father was guilty of doing horrendous things in front of and to […]

Substance Abuse

“This program is great for those who are serious about getting clean and want to make changes.” Brett* never imagined being an athlete would lead to drug addiction. “Growing up, I never touched drugs,” he says. But over the years, Brett suffered a series of sports injuries which landed him in the hospital and required […]

Coping with Murder

“When my sister went missing, her husband kept telling everyone she had taken off,” says Tina*. “She would typically talk to our mother on a daily basis. When we hadn’t heard a word from her in over a week, we knew something wasn’t right. We informed the police and waited for any word about her […]

Healthy Parenting

When Caroline* became a mother for the first time, she wanted to be a good one. But she had little experience of what a loving and caring mother looked like. “My mother was always abusive when I was growing up,” she says. “The only role models I had for a good mother were the ones […]

Coping with Depression

Haley* was first diagnosed with depression at the age of 19. For much of her life, her mental health issues went untreated. Immediately after the birth of her first child, Haley was diagnosed with bi-polar disorder. She underwent a variety of treatments with mixed results. By the time her first son was about two years […]

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