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Family Service History

Child First

Child First is an evidence-based, early childhood program that works with young children and their families: helping them heal from the damaging effects of stress and trauma. Our two-generation approach builds strong and nurturing caregiver-child relationships, promotes increased parenting skills, and connects families with other needed services. This home-based program increases emotional health and learning success and prevents child abuse and neglect. We use a team-based approach of a mental health clinician and a Family Resource Partner to serve children and their families ages 0 (newborn) to 5 years old.

If you’re interested download the PDF referral form, email it to Bri Trower or Fax to (336) 821-3350.

For any additional questions, please reach out to Bri Trower at 743.837.0065 or abrianna.trower@fspcares.org or Jessica Keane-Pellerin at 743.837.1276 or jessica.keane-pellerin@fspcares.org