June 15 is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day is an opportunity to acknowledge the harm done by elder abuse and discover ways to prevent and stop it.
Elder abuse is stigmatized as an “impossible” act, and most older adults do not report the abuse because they fear retaliation, abandonment or neglect.
The Facts
- Approximately 1 in 10 Americans age 60+ have experiences some form of elder abuse
- Only 1 in 24 cases of abuse are reported to authorities
- The perpetrator is a family member in almost 60 percent of elder abuse and neglect incidents
- 2/3 of perpetrators are adult children or spouses
Signs of Elder Abuse
- Injuries such as bruises or broken bones
- Malnourishment or unexpected weight loss
- Anxiety or depression
- Frequent loss of money
- Self-isolation
How You Can Help
- Prevent isolation of your older loved ones
- Know what resources exist in your community. Family Service of the Piedmont has a 24-Hour Crisis Line you can call for help: 336-273-7273 or 800-656-4673.
- Educate yourself on the signs of elder abuse
- Start conversations with your older adult loved ones about the signs
- Listen and believe older adults when they disclose abuse