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Telehealth Information

If you have an upcoming teleconferencing appointment:

• Do NOT report to the clinic at the time of your appointment; your appointment will be conducted by videoconferencing.

• Your clinician will let you know if you need to come in face to face.

• Check that the phone number(s) in your medical record are up-to-date and reflect where you would prefer to receive your provider’s call. You can check and/or update your numbers through your client service representative (front desk staff and intake staff) The phone number is 336-478-2010 and for the Child Center of Wellness call 336-801-1171

• At the time of your appointment, be prepared to start your session with your provider in a location where you can have privacy and in a quiet environment, if possible. For most, this will be at home.

• If you are more than 15 minutes late your session, the link will no longer work. You will have to call your provider.

New Doxy.me Telehealth Services

On Jan. 11, Family Service is switching to Doxy.me for telehealth services.

You will receive an automatic generated text message from Family Service the morning of your appointment at 8:30 a.m. with the Doxy.me Landing Page that is specific to the clinic you visit.  This link that you receive will not change from session to session. If you do not receive a text, you can use an old link. Or manually enter the appropriate clinic landing page in a web browser.

Once on the landing page:
Select your Provider name from the drop down menu
Enter your name
Allow Doxy.me access to camera and mic
You are now in the “waiting room” – wait for your therapist/provider to admit you

Adults in High Point and Greensboro: https://fspadultsvcs.doxy.me
Children in High Point: https://childrenscenter.doxy.me


Information about Doxy Telehealth (pdf)

Getting Started for Adult Patients (pdf)

Getting Started for Child Patients (pdf)

Si tiene una cita de teleconferencia:

• NO se reporte a la clínica a la hora de su cita; su cita será conducida por medio de videoconferencia.

• Su proveedor le dejara saber si debe presentarse en persona.

• Verifique que los números telefónicos en su expediente médico estén actualizados y reflejen a donde prefiere usted recibir la llamada de su proveedor. Puede cotejar y/o actualizar su número por medio de nuestro Representante de Servicio al Cliente (personal de la recepción o Admisiones). El número de teléfono es 336-478-2010 y para el Child Center of Wellness llame al 336-801-1171.

• A la hora de su cita, este preparado para comenzar su sesión con su proveedor en un lugar donde pueda tener privacidad y en un ambiente libre de ruidos, si es posible. Para la mayoría de las personas, este sería en la casa.

• Si se tarda más de 15 minutos, el link de su sesión dejara de funcionar. Deberá llamar a su proveedor.

• Su está usando un teléfono inteligente por favor descargue la aplicación.